CONTENTS TO BILINGUAL SOLUTION EXAM - Conteúdos para Avaliação do Programa Bilíngue
1st grade: Hello! (Hello and Goodbye! Yes and No! Numbers; ABC)– Student’s book – UNIT 1 – pages 6 to 17. 2nd grade: Animals and Me (Animals; Uso do A e AN; School Materials; Yes or No; Clil Connection) – Student’s book pages 6 to 17 – UNIT 1. 3rd grade: Time For Action (Commands; Magic Words PLEASE, SORRY and THANK YOU; ABC) – Student’s book pages 6 to 17; Workbook pages 4 to 9. 4th grade: Eat Well (Healthy or Unhealthy; There are some or There aren’t any; Foods; There is some or There isn’t any; Clil Connection) – Student’s book pages 6 to 17; Workbook pages 4 to 9. 5th grade: Let’s get together (Numbers; Clothes; Adverbs ALWAYS, SOMETIMES, USUALLY, RARELY AND NEVER, Fractions). Student’s book pages 6 to 17; Workbook pages 4 to 9; Clil Book pages 4 to 7. Good Luck! Teacher Grazi